This is a sikh prayer. The prayer is a supplication to God to support and help the devotee with whatever he or she is about to undertake or has done. This app allows to read Ardas in three different language gurmukhi(punjabi), hindi and english. Purpose of this app is to let busy and mobile young generation reconnect with Sikhism and Gurubani by reading ardas on gadgets like mobile and tablets. Ardas is singing on any other religious program.**FEATURES***ALLOW TO LISTEN PATH WITH SIMPLE AUDIO PLAYER*ALLOW TO FORWARD, BACKWARD, PLAY AND PAUSE PATH WHILE LISTENING PATH*READ ARDAS AUDIO IN GURMUKHI(PUNJABI), HINDI AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES*LISTEN ARDAS AUDIO PATH WHILE READING TEXT*READ IN VERTICLE AND HORIZONTAL CONTINOUS MODE*BEAUTIFUL AND EYE CATCHING UI*USER CAN ZOOM IN OR OUT WHILE READING*USER CAN DOWNLOAD OUR OTHER APPS